We PERFORMANCE PODUCTS TECH (FZE) offer various type of specialty, high performance lubricants for use in mining shovels, and shovel used in other industries. A range of mining shovel lubricants such as: mining shovel swing bearing lubricant, house rollers, shipper shaft pinion, lubricant for hoist ropes, bearings lubrication, slides, gear boxes, etc.
A mining shovel is a specialized type piece of mining industry heavy excavating equipment used to scoop the mined materials (e.g. ore, overburden, coal, or sand) in strip mining
Mining shovels are among the various types of heavy equipment used in mining Industry, also known as front power shovels, Shovels are commonly used in mining industry for digging, loading, and extraction of mined / earth minerals. For surface mining operations, they are used to excavate large quantities of rock and soil in strip and equipped with bucket and are electrically powered machines.
The mining shovels for mining, have been in use since long past the late 1800s. When they were initially built, they were use to be powered by steam. With the advancement of fuel technology, mining shovels became powered either by electricity or diesel fuel. Shovels also have other applications in addition to mining industry applications. Some of applications include moving massive amounts of earth for dam canals, roads construction, railroad, etc.